Plumber Promotional Products
We think that you will agree that the plumbing company in any given town that advertises the most is generally going to end up being the most well know, and often largest plumbing company. Sure, customer service and quality of work matter, but your business will just grow that much quicker if you apply marketing savvy to an already great service. Print ads, billboards, and radio ads are a great way to advertise a plumbing company, as well as vehicle graphics and Google AdWords (which we assist many companies with as well).
One should not forget the importance of low cost promo giveaways in your company's marketing plan, because promotional products are proven to have a high retention rate, meaning that people tend to remember receiving custom items, and also tend to buy from someone who gives them an industry-related gift. It can be something as simple as a plumber stress ball, and we can guarantee you that your largest competitor is using promos to market themselves when you aren't. To be in the big leagues when advertising a plumbing company, you absolutely need to use promotional products to some degree. You need them to hand out to repeat clients, you need them to work the local home show, and you need them to promote your business every time someone starts a conversation about their plumbing problem at the local coffee shop. This post includes some of our favorites-- We have silly plumbing promos, useful plumbing promos, and more. Click below or visit for the entire selection.
One should not forget the importance of low cost promo giveaways in your company's marketing plan, because promotional products are proven to have a high retention rate, meaning that people tend to remember receiving custom items, and also tend to buy from someone who gives them an industry-related gift. It can be something as simple as a plumber stress ball, and we can guarantee you that your largest competitor is using promos to market themselves when you aren't. To be in the big leagues when advertising a plumbing company, you absolutely need to use promotional products to some degree. You need them to hand out to repeat clients, you need them to work the local home show, and you need them to promote your business every time someone starts a conversation about their plumbing problem at the local coffee shop. This post includes some of our favorites-- We have silly plumbing promos, useful plumbing promos, and more. Click below or visit for the entire selection.
DID YOU KNOW: that, in the event of a disagreement between equally ranked parties (a foreman or manager of the same level, etc.), that according to ancient plumbing etiquette, whoever has in their possession at the time of a disagreement, a carpenter pencil-- instantly wins the argument? It's best to always have carpenter pencils on the job. Also, it's important to always have something to write with so they are also good because of that.
We carry a bunch of different styles of mechanics gloves in many sizes and colors. These make a great gift- even if you don't work on plumbing or cars every day, you should keep a good pair of gloves in your home and in your car in case of an emergency. The right gloves can make the difference in getting that little extra bit of grip to turn a lug nut, or to protect one's hands from abrasions, etc.
While we're on the topic of gloves, check out these insane light up LED promotional gloves. Sure, we carry all kinds of flashlight tools, and even hats that light up what you're looking at, but gloves that point at what you are trying to illuminate make a great gift for plumbers, electricians, and mechanics that work in small, dark spaces.
Let's face it, potty humor is a big part of the plumbing business, and while plumbing and snacks usually don't go together, food gifts are a great way to lighten the mood, and a chocolate toilet makes a great conversation starter.
I don't know why they made the plumber stress reliever so chubby, because I spent some time in plumbing school and those guys were pretty ripped. The whole chunky plumber stereotype is completely wrong. However, they do have a great sense of humor and people tend to like these plumber stress relievers.
New hire kits are a necessity for construction and plumbing companies. This kit includes a hard hat, vest, clear eye protection, and ear protection. Why do we feature these? Because safety is the coolest!
We sell a ton of 6" plastic and wood promo rulers, and custom logo tape measures. People love these, as you never know when you're going to need to measure something. No one throws away a measurement device.