Greg Norman Golf Shirts Embroidered With Custom Company Logo
Custom golf or button down oxford shirts embroidered with your company logo used to be an optional thing at trade shows and expos. Now, you stick out like a sore thumb if your company doesn't have them. A company that presents well with a uniform look tends to do better at big events. Ad Specialty Products carries thousands of different shirts that be customized with your logo, so that everyone in your group will be comfortable. We've even provided custom logo imprinted sweaters to companies looking to be a bit different. While the majority of sales of custom embroidered golf shirts are used for sales teams at events, we also provide high end golf apparel from Adidas, Nike, Ogio, and more, because a high end golf shirt tastefully embroidered makes a fantastic corporate gift. Women's apparel used to make up a miniscule portion of the market, with abysmal styles and odd fitting shirts, but that is no longer the case. Women's apparel is as nice as what you would find in a retail store, and we embroider the items with your corporate logo. Check out some of our Greg Norman favorites by clicking the pics below, or call us with specs, and we will do your sourcing for you at no cost! Call 401-451-1874.