Advertising Promotional Pens
In our last blog, we focused on promotional items on the cheap, basically the type of items that a salesperson would hand out on sales calls or at trade shows & conventions as gifts. In conjunction with the launch of our new promotional pen store we decided to go into a bit more detail about some of our current top selling advertising promotional pens. After all, it's easier to explain more about what makes each particular pen special in blog format than in store format, because there is much more room here to write freely. As always, we hope you enjoy this guide, and if you wish to become a B2B customer of, contact us with any questions or to request a sample.

You may be saying to yourself, "big whoop", everyone carries stick pens. While our translucent stick looks and feels like many other stick pens, the truth of the matter is that this pen out writes many of the other stick pens. Our top concern with our promotional pens is that they write well, no matter what price category into which they happen to fall. When put in competition with other stick pens, he translucent stick is no chump, and at $98 for 250 pens with free shipping and no setup* (at the time this blog was written), you would be crazy not to give this pen a shot at your next trade show. Click Here to Buy Now

The Bright Click made this list because it is way on the far spectrum of our lowest cost pens, but still is very attractive and has some great features. The ribbed grip is popular with many customers because it feels great while writing, and it's large imprint area makes it an obvious choice for promotional use. Click Here to Buy the Bright Click

As if the bright colors weren't enough to draw the eye, the Percy pen goes one step further by adding high gloss. Much like the Bright Click (above), the Percy offers a large imprint area that makes it hard to overlook your company's beautiful logo. The black plunger and clip serve to accent both the bright color and your logo or company name, and at the price of this pen with free shipping and free setup, the Percy is sure to get you excited about your next promo purchase.

The Vicky pen comes in so many color combinations that it had to be separated into "citrus" and "standard" models. The styling on these affordable promotional pens is impeccable, and the bright white barrel provides the perfect canvas for the perfect piece of corporate artwork, your logo. Click here to purchase the Vicky

The Virginia Twist combines the best of the old days with the reliability of modern times. We can visualize a middle age professional in a wool suit going to his job as a loan officer at the local financial institution, opening up his dark brown leather briefcase with gold appointments, and removing the Virginia to begin yet another long but rewarding day at the office. The Virginia pen is truly something special for the styling to last this long, and the dark, traditional colors and gold trim make it quite clear that this classic pen means business. Click here to order the Virginia Twist

At the absolute opposite end of the style spectrum from our Virginia pen (above) is the Maxine. The Maxine pen combines style and technology, delivered in a somehow surprisingly elegant package. The Maxine is the answer to years of customer requests for a pen that offers the reliability of a ballpoint with the smooth writing nature of a gel. Combine all of the style and features of this great hybrid with free shipping, no setup charge, and as always, expert customer service, and we are sure that you will be satisfied with the lovely Maxine Hybrid. Click Here to Order

We really enjoy the Sarah pen because of its good looks, bright colors, superior functionality, and unique grip. We have the ability to carry any pen on the planet, and we chose the Sarah (and the rest of our line) because we believe that customers should not have to compromise style and great feel when they are looking for an inexpensive promotional pen. Like the Vicky Click (above), the white background really makes your logo stand out, which we always remember is the entire purpose of your buying pens for your event. Click here and purchase some Sarah Pens today!

The Sonya metal pen made it into this list because thus far we have only featured plastic pens, and there are a couple of pens in our line, such as the Sonya, that represent an extreme value for your marketing dollars. You should really head on over to the store for a closer look at the brushed metallic colors, the perfect backdrop to showcase your logo. This pen includes your laser engraved company name or logo, and in our opinion, the only way to show off your logo with such a classy pen is engraving. Other high end features include chrome trim, and silver band deep etching provides enough grip so that you can hold the pen firmly, but still enough smoothness that you can write comfortably for a long period of time without fatigue. Click Here For Sonya

Much like the Sonya, the Maxwell is a metal pen, offering exquisite engraved logo, reliable chrome click action, and a splendid variety of brushed metal colors. Unlike the Sonya, the Maxwell caters to the purchaser that prefers a thicker barrel for a more substantial feel. Another advantage of the larger barrel is a slightly larger imprint area to display your engraved company name or logo. Any way you slice it, the Maxwell is a contender in the large barrel pen market. Click Here for a Closer Look.

The Ace metal pen lives up to its name in both style and performance. To our knowledge at the time of this blog, the Ace is among the best looking pens in its price range. The Ace delivers super comfortable writing with the ribbed grip, smooth brushed metallic finishes, and, for the first time in this blog, matte silver trim on both ends of the writing instrument. Some people call this styling retro, we just call it our Ace. Click Here to Buy